Cuckoo Forevermore
Cuckoo Forevermore

Cuckoo Forevermore

By Leonard Szymczak
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Cuckoo Forevermore is both a satire of the psychotherapy profession and the story of a man’s journey towards manhood. It is funny, accurate, probing, and enlightening. It shows the dark underbelly of the so-called therapeutic professions with humor and insight. It’s about time an insider blew the whistle on an industry that has its own special scams, frauds, and rogues.”

  • Asa Baber, author of Naked at Gender Gap and former Men columnist, Playboy Magazine


“So the lunatics ARE in charge of the asylum – only we call them therapists. Uproarious shenanigans in a get-down Down Under version of the classic One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.”

  • Patricia Monaghan, author of Magical Gardens: Cultivating Soil & Spirit


Cuckoo Forevermore paints a provocative picture of the counseling profession in a way the public rarely sees. You may find the scenes shocking, disturbing, or even titillating; but one thing can be guaranteed, your preconceived ideas about therapists will never be the same.”

  • Dr. Bernard St. George, Psychiatrist, Sydney, Australia